- Public Digital talks with Lisa Herzog on Workplace Democracy (March 31) https://bit.ly/3HCsZCP
- Public Digital talk with Surbhi Kesar on Decolonising Economics (April 12): https://bit.ly/3t7jG9Y
- New paper on pesticide politics just published: Why does pesticide pollution in water persist? with Frank Hüesker, also interview on this at Euractiv in various languages
- Delighted to announce that I will assume the Professorship for Pluralist and Heterodox Economics at Karlshochschule International University from October 1, 2021. Stay tuned!
- New paper: Making the COVID-19 crisis a real opportunity for environmental sustainability
- New paper: Environmental Sustainability Post-COVID-19: Scrutinizing Popular Hypotheses from a Social Science Perspective
- New paper online: Lepenies, R. and Zakari, I.S., 2021. Citizen Science for Transformative Air Quality Policy in Germany and Niger. Sustainability, 13(7), 3973, 1-21.
- Excited to be Reviewer of the Future Earth/SRI Selection Committee for the Young Champions Programme of #SRI2021
- Presentation on Science Communication for Young Audiences – European Network of Science Academies Communications Network (May); another presentation on science communication at the International Science Council: Lepenies
- Excellent news from Horizon2020 - we were awarded the NEXOGENESIS project funding for our consortium and will co-lead the policy and governance package from autumn 2021!
- Policy brief: Policy Brief: Dealing with interlinkages – a focused approach for implementing the SDGs and overcoming the COVID-19 crisis. Imme, Scholz, Kloke-Lesch, Adolf, Lepenies, Robert, Godoy-Faúndez, Alex, Režek Jambrak, Anet, Kablan, Armand Ketcha Malan, … Shimpuku, Yoko. (2020, May 27). (Version 2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3859573 and published on the S20 site
- Looking forward to teaching Umweltpolitik at FH Magedburg-Stendal this year! Course outline coming later
- Mentored new scientists at the 2021 science leadership workshop: https://globalyoungacademy.net/new-members-meet-in-online-science-leadership-workshop/
- New paper online: Lyytimäki, J., Salo, H., Lepenies, R., Büttner, L., and
Mustajoki, J., 2020. Risks of producing and using indicators of sustainable development goals. Sustainable Development, 1–11.
- New paper online: Zingraff-Hamed, A.; Schröter, B.; Schaub, S.; Lepenies, R.; Stein, U.; Hüesker, F.; Meyer, C.; Schleyer, C.; Schmeier, S. and Pusch, M.T. 2020. Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive Water Alternatives 13(3):
- Several interviews in radio stations: Deutschlandfunk Nova
- Keynote at India's first Science Leadership workshop organized by CPUB and supported by Indian National Science Academy, the Indian National Academy Of Science India and INYAS. Pretty stunned and honored to be speaking to more than 7000 young scientists this morning (and counting) at the invitation of all Indian Academies of Science and INYAS on science communication and the SDGs: Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/sslRVfpuv_A
- New article which focuses on "risks" related to national SDG indicators. The analysis is based on experiences from the preparation processes of sustainable development indicators in Finland and insights from indicator professionals and stakeholders in Finland and Germany. The risks related to overuse, nonuse and misuse of indicators are analyzed from the perspectives of indicator contents, processes of production and communication and external context factors. Read it here: https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2102
- Representing the GYA at the Meeting of the European Network of Young Academies ENEYA - 4-5 July, 2020, organized by the Junge Akademie with Jutta Allmendinger and Reinhard Bütikofer
- Moderating a panel on global #sciencecommunication with Pallava Bagla and Luis Quevedo, speaking on science communication, engagement, the role of scientists and their responsibility towards society.
- Grateful to be re-elected to the executive committee of the Global Young Academy: News here -> https://www.interacademies.org/news/gya-annual-general-meeting-convenes-virtually-members-choose-new-leadership
- My first contribution to the #smcgermany #sciencemediacenter germany in which I was ask to comment on the #SDGs and on a recent article in #naturesustainability that criticized SDG #indicators for insufficiently taking into account environmental goals. Read here: https://www.sciencemediacenter.de/alle-angebote/research-in-context/details/news/was-bringen-ziele-fuer-nachhaltige-entwicklung/
- The interdisciplinary anthology on the dimensions of #poverty is finally out. If you're interested in the multiple dimensions of poverty, its measurement and how this fits in the political project of achieving socio-economic justice, have a look. There are some open access chapters (by Jo Wolff and the summarizing introduction) as well as 19 important contributions from philosophers, economists and (social) scientists from across the world.Click here:
- Interview at Die Debatte: https://www.die-debatte.org/corona-interview-lepenies/
- Interview at Die Welt: https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/plus207240365/Corona-Nudging-Die-Regierung-muss-den-Leuten-reinen-Wein-einschenken.html
- Happy that GYA is part of ISC now! https://globalyoungacademy.net/gya-becomes-affiliate-member-of-the-international-science-council/
- Interview on science communication: https://www.wissenschaftskommunikation.de/wir-muessen-dahin-wo-die-leute-sind-36593/
- Grateful to InteracademyPartnership, International Science Council and the Global Young Academy for selecting me as a reviewer for the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 that will inform the 2019 HLPF. See the final report here.
- Grateful for having been an expert for the JRC "Understanding our political nature" report. See the final report and videos here.
- New publication! A chapter called "Behaviour change: extralegal, apolitical, scientistic?" in the Handbook of Behavioural Change and Public Policy with Magdalena Malecka. See the pre-print in my publications
- New publication out with Felix Kersting and Theresa Neef on experiments in economics: "Mehr als nur Werkzeuge, Kritik an Experimenten in der Ökonomik". Hope to share pre-print soon.
- Was profiled about my work flow at PhD talk.
- The Global Young Academy is looking for excellent young scholars to join GYA in 2020. Apply by 15 Sept 2019 at this link: http://bit.ly/1JA8TGT. Do contact me if you have *any* questions - I am happy to help out!
- Grateful for having been able to organize the Annual General Conference of the Global Young Academy at Leopoldina in Halle this year. See here for the outstanding programme.
- Gave a talk at Erasmus University Rotterdam on the Politics of Glyphosate with many excellent scholars working on the science and politics of plant protection
- Elected to the executive committee of the Global Young Academy
- New publication: Lepenies, R.; Hüesker, F.; Beck, S.; Brugnach, M. Discovering the Political Implications of Coproduction in Water Governance. Water 2018, 10, 1475.
- Grateful for the World Health Summit to be invited to attend the general conference this year. Looking forward to further WHS-GYA cooperation.
- See a short piece in the Leipziger Volkszeitung.
- Honored to be selected as a participant in the workshop on Sustainable Water Management in Mining and Post-Mining Landscapes by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and others. Stay tuned for a policy brief on this.
- Cited in an article on trust in expertise in Times Higher Education.
- A couple of new videos out on Trust in Science by the Global Young Academy.
- Delighted to be selected as a reviewer for the European Commission Joint Research Centre report on Enlightenment 2.0
- Short video on Trust in Science for the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA).
- Short article about SDGs "Scientists Step Into New Roles To End Poverty" at the New York Academy of Sciences magazine. See also the new issue on Pollution by the GYA magazine where I have a very short contribution about plastics in drinking water.
- Will attend this year's Global Young Academy AGM in Pattaya, Thailand and give a lightning talk about Green Nudging (Water, Energy, Sustainable Consumption). Looking forward.
- Long interview about effective altruism condensed to a couple of seconds here at WDR. The longer critique by Henning Hahn and me can be found here in the pre-print version.
- Glad to have give one of the workshop lectures at this year's Spring School "The Power of Immersion" at FU Berlin. I talked about ethics and applications of behavioral policy - for nearly 3 hours!
- Interview about the Global Goals for the New York Academy of Sciences online. My more critical remarks were not printed this time, will post them in due course.
- I am very happy to announce my new postion as research scientist at the @helmholtz_en centre for environmental research @UFZ_de where I will develop new projects on #behavioralinsights #SDGs #watergovernance in the interdisciplinary environmental politics team. Stay tuned for updates!
- Spektrum der Wissenschaften mentions our article on the institutional consequences of nudging in their recent feature on Nudging (Oct 16, 2017).
- Radiointerview zur deutschen Nudge-Unit im Kanzleramt ("Projektgruppe Wirksam Regieren") beim Hessischen Rundfunk 2 Kultur anlässlich des Nobel-Preises von Richard Thaler. Den ganzen Podcast, mit anderen interessanten Beiträgen von Philosophen, VWLern und Politikern gibt es hier.
- See the forthcoming book by Routledge edited by Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh, Manuela Fernández Pinto where Magda Malecka and I contribute a chapter on the question: "Is the Behavioral Approach a Form of Scientific Imperialism?". Have a look at the exciting volume with the title "Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity" . Or read our academia-Version here.
- Delighted to teach "Introduction to Politics" at the ESCP Europe Business School in Berlin. Will share new syllabus soon.
- Looking forward to co-editing the "Dimensions of Poverty" anthology with Henning Hahn and Valentin Beck. Stay put for updates on the process for the publication with Springer.
- I'm interviewed by the MDR ("Wissenschaftsnachwuchs in Halle") about the Global Young Academy.
- Speaking at the Governing by Affect conference on June 23 on Critical Behavioral Public Policy - Nudge Entrepreneurs and Behavioral Science in intellectual context, organised by Prof. Jan Slaby & Rainer Mühlhoff by the Affective Societies SFB in Berlin
- Speaking on Critical Behavioral Public Policy at the EAEPE workshop in Berlin at DIW on June 10, 2017.
- Excited to be hosting the conference "Dimensions of Poverty" at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt from June 7-9, 2017. Visit the conference website that we set up. We expect a range of wonderful speakers:
Sabina Alkire (OPHI, Oxford),
Varun Gauri (World Bank, Washington DC),
Stephan Klasen (University of Göttingen),
Nicole Hassoun (Binghamton/Cornell),
Sanjay Reddy (New School, N.Y.C.),
Mitu Sengupta (Ryerson, Toronto),
Leif Wenar (King’s College, London),
and Jo Wolff (Oxford) as well as more than 30 international scholars working on philosophical and economic dimensions of poverty. Very glad to be hosting this together with Stefan Gosepath, Henning Hahn, Valentin Beck for the Justitia Amplificata Kollegforschergruppe of FU Berlin. We cooperate with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and with the Institute for New Economic Thinking (Young Scholars Initiative). Follow the conference at twitter: #berlinerpoverty17.
- New publication with Henning Hahn: Wissenschaft als Politischer Beruf - Die Sustainable Development Goals als realistische Utopie (link) in Globale politische Ziele, Philipp Lepenies, Elena Sondermann (Hrsg.). Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick des Post-2015 Prozesses. Seiten 169 - 194
- Very glad to host the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Villa Vigoni conference "Behavioural sciences and the politics of simplification" with Holger Straßheim and Kathrin Loer at the German-Italian Centre for European Excellence at the Villa Vigoni with a great range on participants representing both policy-makers and scholars of behavioral policy. See the full program here.
• Dr. Robert Lepenies, Freie Universität Berlin
• Dr. Kathrin Loer, Fernuniversität in Hagen
• Dr. Holger Straßheim, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung
• Prof. Dr. Paolo Moderato, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano
• Dr. Francesco Pozzi, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano
• Prof. Dr. Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law & Risk Regulation
• Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach, Universität Kassel
• Juliane Böhme, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
• Prof. Dr. Christian Berndt, Universität Zürich
• Prof. Dr. Massimo Cesareo, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano
• Emanuele Ciriolo, European Commission
• Dr. Maria Daskalakis, Universität Kassel
• Fabrizio Esposito, European University Institut (EUI), Firenze
• Dr. Benedikt Herrmann
• Florian Irgmaier, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
• Rebecca-Lea Korinek, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
• Dr. Magdalena Malecka, University of Helsinki
• Christine Polzin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Leipzig
• Prof. Dr. Giovambattista Presti, Università Kore, Enna
• Dr. Jessica Pykett, University of Birmingham
• Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Russo, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Milano
• Prof. Dr. Ingunn Sandaker, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
• Dr. Christian Schubert, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
• Prof. Dr. Anne-Lise Sibony, Université catholique de Louvain
• Zhi Soon, Behavioural Insights Team, UK
• Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
• Francoise Waintrop, Mission au Sécrétariat Général pour la Modernisation de l'Action Publique
- I will discuss the new book on "Choice Architecture in Democracies" (Nomos, 2017) and the legitimacy of nudging on Feb 14, 2017 as a panellist together with the editors Alexandra Kemmerer (Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg), Christoph Möllers (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Maximilian Steinbeis (Verfassungsblog), Gerhard Wagner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Title of the panel is: "Darf der Staat seine Bürger anstupsen? Entscheidungsarchitekturen und Nudges as Herausforderung für die Demokratie"
- Check out my new course on International Economic Thought that I am teaching at the Hertie School of Governance for public policy students. The aim is to introduce students to major ideas, concepts and theories in economic thought, explicitly embracing pluralist, historical, philosophical and critical perspectives. Comments on the syllabus are very welcome. I have opened up a comment session at Academia. Or you can download the syllabus here.
- I wrote a piece at the Boston Review in response to Dean Baker's new book "Rigged". See responses by a phenomenal group of scholars here, including Daron Acemoglu, Susan Houseman, Harley Shaiken, Peter Evans, Michael J. Piore, Alan Tonelson.
- I am grateful to be Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplificata at FU Berlin and also to be Guest Fellow at the KFG The Transformative Power of Europe at FU Berlin, where I will be hosted. Come visit!
- Vortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens für die Junior-Professur "Plurale Ökonomik" an der Universität Siegen im Dezember.
- I have been nominated by the Global Young Academy (GYA) to participate in the 6th Lindau Nobel Meeting on Economic Sciences (2017 Economics). Final selection to be decided in March.
- Guest lecture in the Psychology and Policy Analysis seminar (Ruth Ditlmann) at Hertie School of Governance on the Ethics of Nudging on November 17, 2016
- Delighted to participate in the WZB-Mercator Forum Wissenschaft und Politik" on the 5th and 6th of December in Berlin and moderate a panel on expertise and policy there.
- Will participate in the Plurale Ökonomik workshop (Hannover Sammelband) in Hannover on December 3, 2016 where I will present on the experiments in economics (joint work with Felix Kersting and Theresa Neef).
- Call for Papers for "Dimensions of Poverty" Conference for June 2017 now out. See here. Follow us on twitter: #berlinpoverty17. Great line-up already with Sabina Alkire (OPHI, Oxford), Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (New School, N.Y.C.), Varun Gauri (World Bank, Washington DC), Stephan Klasen (University of Göttingen), Onora O’Neill (University of Cambridge), Sanjay Reddy (New School, N.Y.C.), Mitu Sengupta (Ryerson, Toronto), Leif Wenar (King’s College, London), and Jo Wolff (UCL, London).
- Presented on the implicit politics of behavioral and experimental governance at the Institute for New Economic Thinking - Young Scholars Iniative conference on October 19-22 in Budapest in the Philosophy of Economics workshop.
- Freue mich sehr über unseren erfolgreichen Antrag für Konferenz in der Villa Vigoni (DFG-Ausschreibung Deutsch-Italienische Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften). Mehr Informationen folgen!
- New Open Access issue on libertarian paternalism and choice architectures (in German) at Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie. Joint article with Magdalena Malecka: Nudges, Recht und Politik: Institutionelle Implikationen.
- Invited to present at the exciting workshop on Behavioural Science in Law & Policy: Evidence, Ethics, & Expertise in Newcastle on September 23, 2016. Paper given will be joint paper with Magdalena Malecka: "Nudges, Law & Politics - beyond the individualist perspective". Organized by Prof Muireann Quigley and Prof Liam Delaney.
- Ruth Blackshaw presents joint paper (with Henrieke Max) on Globalizing Partnerships for Sustainable Development at the Development Studies Association Annual Conference in Oxford in Panel on Partnerships and Power in the 2030 Agenda on September 14, 2016
- Invited to the WZB-Mercator Forum Wissenschaft und Politik on December 5 & 6 on Expertise and Policy, organized by Dr. Dagmar Simon (WZB), Dr. Felix Streiter (Stiftung Mercator), Dr. Martina Franzen (WZB) & Dr. Holger Straßheim (HU Berlin) in Berlin.
- Attending Expert Workshop: Bridging the Gap: Approaches and Policies for Reducing Inequalities at GIZ Berlin on September 5, 2016
- Currently co-organizing a large international conference on poverty (research) in Berlin in June 2017. More information to follow soon...
- Presenting a paper on Institutional Perspectives on Nudges at the Center for Global Constitutionalism at WZB Berlin on July 18, 2016.
- Looking forward to teaching the last session at the seminar for practical philosophy on July 23, 2016.
- Commenting on MA thesis project on Nudges and Environmental Policy at the Environmental Policy Research Center of FU Berlin on July 13, 2016.
- Discussed the ethics of nudging and the use of behavioral instruments in policy with Gerd Gigerenzer, State Secretary Gerd Billen and Martin Greive at the 16. Humboldt-Wirtschaftsforum in Berlin on the topic "Facetten der Macht - Welche Kräfte treiben unsere Gesellschaft?" on June 1, 2016.
- Grateful for the extraordinary opportunity and honor to serve as a new member of the Global Young Academy. I participated in the 6th International Conference of Young Scientists: Bridging World Through Science on May 25-29 in Eindhoven where I presented on Globalizing Poverty Research. Press release by the FU Berlin on this: here.
- Looking forward to being a keynote speaker at the PPE conference on Justifyingy Power and Decisions: Rethinking Legitimacy from a PPE perspective in the 21st century. The keynote will be entitled: "Assessing the legitimacy of behavioral governance: A task for PPE(ists)" (with Lisa Herzog, Karen Horn, Fabienne Peter, Jörg Tremmel). Press release here.
- Excited to present new work on behavioral governance together with M. Malecka in Pisa at the ECPR Workshop sessions from 24.04-29.04 in the section on Behavioural Chance and Public Policy (organized by Holger Strassheim & Silke Beck).
- Forum Wirtschaftsphilosophie, Dortmund 22.04-24.04.2016.
- I will be teaching an introductory seminar at Freie Universität this semester: "Einführung in die Praktische Philosophie". Happy to see many students there.
- Happy to be on the scientific advisory board of the "Sammelband Plurale Ökonomik".
- My talk about Nudging at the Einstein Forum was recorded and is now a podcast at DRadio Wissen at Hörsaal: "Der Apfel auf Augenhöhe". Listen here or download the podcast directly here.
- Live Interview on March 2 at DeutschlandRadio Kultur with Liane von Billerbeck: 'Arbeitsgruppe "Wirksam Regieren" - Den Deutschen einen Stups geben". Transcript of the interview and recording available here.
- I am extremely honored to be elected to the Global Young Academy for the next five years (from 05/2016). Looking forward to representing Germany and global young scholars at this important organization.
- Looking forward to giving a radio interview at Deutschlandradio Kultur on March 2, 2016 at 6.45 about the ethical limits to nudging.
- Looking forward to giving an evening lecture at the Einstein Forum Potsdam on the 26.02.2016 on the topic: "Should We Nudge the Poor? Some Proposals on the Limits of Behaviourally Informed Policy-Making". Honored to be introduced by Claus Offe and Susan Neiman.
- Published a small opinion piece on the Blog of the French Development Agency: "Why we need independent critique to achieve the SDGs: the role of academics" with Henrieke Max & Ruth Blackshaw. See here for French translation.
- Presented "Nudging and the Science/Policy Nexus" and joint work with Magdalena Malecka at Jekaterina Markow's seminar "Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie" at Freie Universität Berlin, 30.01.2016
- Gave prize acceptance speech at the 30th anniversary of the German Fulbright Alumni Association representing ASAP-Global Colleagues on 23.01.2016.
- Excited and grateful to receive the 2016 Fulbright Association Mulert Award for Global Colleagues. See the press release here. Thanks to my team!
- New working paper online: "Wissenschaft als politischer Beruf: Die Sustainable Development Goals als realistische Utopie" with Henning Hahn.
- Invited to give one of the keynote speeches at the International PPE Conference - Justifying Power and Decisions in the 21th Century: Rethinking Legitimacy from a PPE perspective in Witten from 6-8.05.2016.
- I am absolutely delighted to receive the national inaugural "WIWA Young Scholar Award for Pluralism in Economics" as one of the first two recipients. Will speak about the "Ethics of Behavioral Policy & Normativity in Economics" on December 7. Very grateful!
- Will present a paper at the Teaching Economics in the 21st Century on November 27, a big conference on pluralism in economics. Will be talking about Ethics in Textbooks and Ethics of Textbooks in Economics, making the case for mainstream economics textbooks contributing to epistemic injustice.
- I feel very happy and honored to have been awarded the 2015 A.SK Social Sciences Post-Doctoral Award Fellowship at the Social Science Center Berlin (WZB) on October, 10. It was a particular pleasure to share the stage with main A.SK prize winner Prof. Esther Duflo from J-PAL/MIT. Click here for pictures and a description of the ceremony. I will join the WZB as a Fellow from March 2016. Read the official announcement here.
- Presented a new paper: "Nudges, Recht und Politik: Institutionelle Implikationen" (mit Magdalena Malecka) at the Stefan Gosepath's "Kolloquium für praktische Philosophie", Freie Universität Berlin
- I am grateful for receiving a DAAD & German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) reintegration fellowship at the Freie Universität Berlin from September 2015 at Stefan Gosepath’s Chair for Practical Philosophy. Very excited to join the Institute of Philosophy!
- Presented two papers at MANCEPT 2015 in Manchester, 1-3. September. One in the workshop on Nudges in the Public Sphere with M Malecka. Another one in the workshop on Market Socialism on Rawls, Neoclassical Economics and Market Socialism.
- Some more press features on the Global Colleagues Program by the Daily Nous.
- New Working paper out, with Magdalena Malecka: Behavioural Sciences in Law and Policy: A Case of Scientific Imperialism? This is an early draft, update coming soon
- I wrote a post on the Global Colleagues program on the EUI Max Weber Programme Blog.
- More press on our Global Colleagues program, by The Borgen Project.
- Our conference on the Future of Basic Income Research was a great success. See pictures here (including Philippe van Parijs, Yannick Vanderborght, Claus Offe, Karl Widerquist, Louise Haagh, Anca Gheaus and many others). See full list of abstracts and the programme here. Thank you very much for funding from the Max Weber Programme, the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies.
- New article on the Global Colleagues program by Inside Higher Ed.
- See the new pages of my outstanding team for Global Colleagues. We are currently looking for interns for the project. We are currently looking for interns.
- New working paper with Magdalena Malecka presented at the 9th Social Issues for Social Sciences Max Weber June Conference 2015. See here for the programme and our talk.
- Participated in Board Meeting of A Colorni-Hirschman Institute in Montepulciano
- Conference website now online for the Basic Income Conference that Juliana Bidadanure and I are organizing at the EUI on June 26-27.
- The first Cohort of Global Colleagues has just been accepted: 34 earlier-career poverty scholars from all over the world. News article about this by Luis Cabrera on the project I manage: here.
- Our new working paper "Behavioural sciences in law and policy as a case of scientific imperialism" is being presented by Magdalena Malecka at the TINT Workshop on Scientific Imperialism at the University of Helsinki on April 16, 2015 (with keynotes from Stephen Downes, Uskali Mäki, Steven Medema).
- New article just published in the Review of Philosophy and Psychology (Special issue on Nudges) together with Magdalena Malecka in March 2015. Our article "The Institutional Consequences of Nudging – Nudges, Politics, and the Law" is being responded to by Cass Sunstein in the same issue. See also contributions from
Michiru Nagatsu, Gidon Felsen & Peter B. Reiner, Douglas Glen Whitman & Mario J. Rizzo and Francesco Guala & Luigi Mittone in the issue.
- We gratefully announce that we won a generous YSI Event Grant from the Institute for New Economic Thinking for our conference on the Future of Basic Income Research on June 26 & 27, 2015 (with Juliana Bidadanure).
- Join my Online lecture at the Institute for New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative Working Group on "Philosophy of Economics" on March 24th, 2015. See the full programme here (upcoming seminars include Wade Hands, Philip Mirowski, Thomas Vass, Christoph Schultze, Imre Bartfai, Ed Mogilnicki).
- Acceptance emails for the Basic Income Conference are out now! We invite everyone to register here for attendance.
- New working paper on Direct Cash out with Lorenz Lauer at SSRN in February 2015: "The poor have no money – so just give it to them! In favour of inclusive aid and unconditional cash transfers". Comments very welcome.
- Talk on "Experts, Academia and Development" on December 5, 2014 at the Poverty Research Workshop, EUI, December 2014. Programme here.
- Teaching PhD Seminar session on the Moral Limits of Markets at the EUI LAW Department in the course "Markets" by Dennis Patterson and Giorgio Monti in January.
- Call for Abstracts launched for the Conference on "The Future of Basic Income Research" that I organize together with Juliana Bidadanure on June 26-27 at the EUI in Florence. Speakers: Anca Gheaus, Louise Haagh, Philippe Van Parijs, Yannick Vanderborght, Karl Widerquist. Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght will also present their new book on Basic Income in a workshop. See the call for abstracts here for more information.
- Paper presentation on Nudges, Politics and the Law with Magdalena Malecka in the Legal, Social, Political Theory & the History of Thought Thematic Research Group at the EUI in November.
- The Global Colleagues Project that I am coordinating for Academics Stand Against Poverty is will launch in 2015. We accept nominations and self-nominations for senior poverty scholars. Thus far, we have thirty very prominent poverty scholars who will partner with early career scholars from around the globe starting in January/February. Please email to globalcolleaguesasap@gmail.com for more information.
- New Working Paper:
Economists as Political Philosophers: A Critique of Normative Trade Theory. Download here: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2462503
- Presentation of working paper: Efficiency, Economics, and Technocratic Optimism in Rawls's Theory of Justice, as part of the Summer-School in Political Philosophy & Public Policy: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy by Stuart White (Oxford) and Martin O’Neill (York) at the University of Minho, Braga (Portugal), July 17, 2014. Programme
- Gobal Colleagues Program will be the first global flagship program by ASAP as described in the global strategic plan for 2014-17
I am co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of Academics Stand Against Poverty Deutschland (ASAP Deutschland e.V.). I also represent ASAP Germany in the Global Chapter Committee. In January of 2014, ASAP Germany was launched as ASAP Deutschland e.V. at its inaugural conference in Berlin (Freie Universität).
At ASAP Global, I manage one of its global flagship programs Global Colleagues.
Global Colleagues is a worldwide, one-to-one partnership project designed to help poverty-focused researchers in countries of the Global South gain better access to global academic networks and enhance their effectiveness as researchers, teachers and policy advisers.
Thus far, we have 70 scholars from all over the world participating. The development of Global Colleagues reflects ASAP members’ view that severe poverty is most effectively addressed if policy is informed by research, and if the research dialogue includes diverse regional competencies, experiences and voices. Matched colleagues will be encouraged to remotely share reading recommendations and research insights; information on salient conferences, workshops and other research activity; as well as to offer advice on specific research efforts and introductions to research networks where appropriate. Partnerships will beestablished for the duration of one year, renewable for further one-year periods by mutual consent. Global Colleagues is the flagship project of ASAP under its new three-year strategic plan.
To learn more and apply, click here.
- Conference organised: "Empathy and Competition: A 21st Century View on Adam Smith"
Our Max Weber conference on Adam Smith is taking place this week!
Look here for the programme: Villa La Fonte, EUI, May 7, 2014, with Richard Bellamy, Vivienne Brown, Christel Fricke, Fonna Forman, Lisa Herzog, Lauri Tähtinen, Paul David, Tom Cooley, Daniel Markovits
- Newspaper article about our work at ASAP Germany
with a quote of mine in the FAZ
- Workshop on International Economic Law in the 21st Century:
Constitutional Pluralism and Multilevel Governance of Interdependent Public Goods by Professor Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann on May 6, 2014. "The sophisticated trade diplomat: A Rawlsian response to cosmopolitan rights in the WTO" in response to 'Competing "Principles of Justice" in Multilevel Commercial, Trade and Investment Adjudication: Need for More "Judicial Dialogues" and Legal "Cross-Fertilization"' THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY Yearbook of International Law & Jurisprudence 2013 (I): 163-202
- Talk at the London School of Economics on March 14.
Talk on "Economists as Political Philosophers" at the Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy at LSE’s Centre for the Study of Human Rights. With comments from Andrew Lang (LSE), Leif Wenar (King's College London) and Margot Salomon (LSE).
- Teaching exchange at the London School of Economics, March 10-14