Nuclear Ban Treaty: Sand Or Grease For The NPT?

Nuclear Ban Treaty: Sand Or Grease For The NPT?

Onderco, M. (2020) “Nuclear Ban Treaty: Sand Or Grease For The NPT?” In Sauer,T,  Kustermans, J & Segaert, B Non-Nuclear Peace: The Ban Treaty and Beyond. London: Routledge, 131-146

This chapter analyses whether the Nuclear Ban Treaty provides sand or grease for the NPT review process. The chapter does so in three steps: firstly by looking at the membership of the Nuclear Ban Treaty and its potential to bridge existing divides within the NPT. Secondly, the chapter looks at how the Ban Treaty played out in the Preparatory Committees for the 2020 NPT Review Conference. Thirdly, the chapter will look at the likely short-term future scenarios for the Ban Treaty, and the likelihood and impact of its entry into force.